About | Quick Facts | Our Approach | Impact | How You Can Help
Moving forward, connections with the Ese’Eja continue to garner support from entities such as the National Geographic, Geographic Legacy Fund Grant and private donors. ACEER supports the effort to empower the Ese’Eja people to continue preserving their land and cultural identity. We persevere in developing programs for the indigenous people of that region to become conservation leaders, and for the rest of the world to join them in understanding the value of their environment and protect it.
Learn more about the Ese’Eja by purchasing the book, Ancestral Lands of the Ese’Eja: The True People.
Proceeds from book sales will provide funds that the Ese’Eja can use in support of community projects.

Share what you learn about their traditions and the importance of conservation by raising awareness on your social media pages, tagging @ACEER to be a part of the conversation.

Donate directly to the Ese’Eja Community Development Fund overseen by ACEER.
Donations will provide funds that the Ese’Eja can use in support of community projects.
Visit and support The Ese’Eja People of the Amazon: Connected by a Thread Exhibition which is touring the United States. This exhibition tells their story in the hope of influencing public policy and empowering the Ese’Eja in determining their future.