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Meet the ACEER >> Brian Griffiths

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Professional Affiliation:
ACEER, OnePlanet Inc. (Director of Conservation Science), Georgetown University

Brian Griffiths

Director of Research

ACEER Member since:  2014

Professional Affiliation: ACEER, OnePlanet Inc. (Director of Conservation Science), Georgetown University

"Conservation is what gets me out of bed in the morning, but at its core, conservation embodies the methods we use to right the wrongs that we have done to the Earth in the past and make sure those mistakes aren't repeated by future generations."


Brian Griffiths is passionate about sustainable natural resource management and wildlife economies in the Peruvian Amazon. He is a human ecologist that also engages with anthropology, ecology, and conservation biology, and prioritizes community-driven work. His recent projects include the ecology of natural Amazonian mineral licks and the influence of cultural practices on hunter behavior, each conducted in collaboration with the Indigenous Maijuna people of Peru. Brian has done consulting work with the Smithsonian and United Nations, among others, on topics ranging from environmental education to wildlife economics. Brian helps direct the Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER, Director of Research) and OnePlanet (Director of Conservation Science). He holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Public Policy (George Mason University) and bachelor’s degrees in Plant Science and Environmental Engineering (University of Delaware), and is a faculty member in the Earth Commons at Georgetown University where he teaches courses in sustainability. Before coming to Georgetown, Brian was a Postdoctoral Fellow at George Mason University, the Executive Director of ACEER, and a Fulbright grantee.

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Brian's Posts

March 8, 2022
The air in the kitchen shimmers with the heat, but Marina doesn’t sweat as she leans over her moledor to begin...
September 27, 2021
A stand of palm trees towers above the swampy forest floor, 10 meters, 20, 30. Just visible at the top of...
August 23, 2021
A splintering crack and a proceeding boom echo through the rainforest, momentarily overwhelming even the orchestra of insects and frogs. An...
April 29, 2021
It's dawn in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru. The night has left a cool mist from which the forest slowly emerges...