What is Camera Trapping?
Camera trapping is an efficient method of determining the presence of rarely seen animals in the wild while also being considerate of the global pandemic. We use camera traps to highlight the importance of conservation, restoration, and maintenance of forested areas.
Thanks to the Zoo Miami Conservation and Research Fund, ACEER was awarded nearly $5,000 in 2019 to implement and develop a collaborative vertebrate fauna monitoring project to be used as a tool for research, training, and community conservation in the Amazon of Southeastern Peru.
So far this year, our 12 deployed camera traps have captured over 30,000 images! These raw images have been sent by ACEER staff to be analyzed by undergraduate volunteers from UNAMAD and UNSAAC, who work safely from home during quarantine. So far we have identified over 45 bird and mammal species, including the elusive Yagouaroundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi), and rarely seen Ocelot (Felis pardalis).
Get Involved
Camera traps are a great example of how to conduct scientific and collaborative research despite tough circumstances, while also providing meaningful research experiences to our audiences.

Support camera trapping by making a charitable donation to the ACEER Foundation today!

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