Amazon Rainforest


En estos últimos 10 años estuve viajando por diferentes afluentes de la Amazonía Peruana en Madre de Dios. En uno de estos viajes tuve la oportunidad de conocer el río Malinowski, un lugar donde los mineros de oro estaban destruyendo la belleza de esta selva y todo lo que estaba a la vista. Donde antes … Read more


Blue Morpho Butterfly

The Blue Morpho butterfly is an unforgettable sight for anyone who has been able to witness it flying through its natural habitat of the Amazon rainforest. The Blue Morpho certainly is a species that carries with it the true essence of the Amazon: beauty found in the heart of wildlife and a natural coexistence maintaining … Read more

ACEER: Bringing the Amazon Rainforest Home

The ACEER Foundation kicked off its Delaware Teachers Institute Summit at the Stroud Water Research Center in Avondale, Pennsylvania under the sweltering heat and stifling humidity of midsummer. The heat and humidity simulated the conditions that the teachers will experience while in the Peruvian Amazon next summer.  The summit ran from June 28th to June … Read more

3 Birds From The Amazon You Can See In The US

There are several bird species that spend winter in the northern South-American Tropics and migrate to the US East Coast for the spring. Three of these birds whose habitats are affected by these threats are the Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting and Bicknell’s Thrush.