Bolsonaro’s last trick is not exactly what you’d think
In spite of Lula da Silva’s victory in the latest presidential rally, the last month of Bolsonaro’s maladministration might impact Brazil for decades Picture yourself: you finally got the funds
In spite of Lula da Silva’s victory in the latest presidential rally, the last month of Bolsonaro’s maladministration might impact Brazil for decades Picture yourself: you finally got the funds
For many Americans, Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks: thanks for our family, friends, our good luck: small and large, while heaping our plates with turkey, stuffing, potatoes and
By Carolyn Keller and Charles Sunday If you live in the U.S., it’s easier than it should be to relegate Native American experience to history. When we do get news
As a novice conservation ecologist I had the adventurous task of monitoring wildlife populations in the Peruvian Amazon. My perspiring students and I would walk in a straight line through
The air in the kitchen shimmers with the heat, but Marina doesn’t sweat as she leans over her moledor to begin pounding yet another batch of boiled, steaming yuca waiting
A jaguar is on the prowl on the outskirts of a local community deep in the Amazon rainforest. Its roars can be heard in the dead of night; its tracks
The COVID-19 pandemic has had wide-ranging effects on Indigenous and rural communities, exacerbating challenges to goals of sustainability in the Amazon region. The people are facing a triple crisis: biodiversity
A stand of palm trees towers above the swampy forest floor, 10 meters, 20, 30. Just visible at the top of the tree is a flash of color—stark red against
Sprawled on the palm floor of her home, I listen intently as Marcelina recounts the local bees she knows. With the ease of describing old friends, Marcelina names mejayo ua,
The morning light is dimmed by the rainforest canopy as I scramble up the bank of the Sucusari River from our wooden boat. The rustling of my steps startles a collared
A splintering crack and a proceeding boom echo through the rainforest, momentarily overwhelming even the orchestra of insects and frogs. An enormous, rotund machi mangua tree now lies on its
Kawsak Sacha1 o Selva Viviente, es un llamado universal a vivir en armonía. Plantea el reconocimiento jurídico de la reivindicación al derecho a decidir libremente sobre sus territorios y formas
The forest was pitch black, its darkness amplified by the night. All I could see was a dense rainforest lit by a flickering flashlight held in one hand by Foca,
Written by Luís Gustavo Arruda (@extensao.natural), with the collaboration of Brian Griffiths and Thiago Hermenegildo. Indigenous peoples’ resistance for their rights is as ancient as the problems that cause contemporary
The COVID-19 pandemic caught the world by surprise, sweeping across countries in only weeks, leaving no part of the world safe. The news provides daily coverage of international COVID-19 statistics;
By Jiordan T. Dror The Amazon rainforest is one of the most crucial areas of land on our entire planet concerning the earth’s viability, a reality that indigenous groups in