On the road to Desolation (El Camino a la Desolación)
by Vítor da Silva Our canoe hits the embankment of the river, and the 69-year old Maijuna elder, Agapo, pushes me up into the forest as he balances barefoot on
by Vítor da Silva Our canoe hits the embankment of the river, and the 69-year old Maijuna elder, Agapo, pushes me up into the forest as he balances barefoot on
Translated by Carolyn Keller and Brian Griffiths Is there a light more profound than that which illuminates the soul? I could see it in their looks, in the string of
Click through Slideshow Experiencing the Amazon rainforest was always something that I looked forward to. It was never a matter of if I would pursue research in the Amazon, but
A jaguar is on the prowl on the outskirts of a local community deep in the Amazon rainforest. Its roars can be heard in the dead of night; its tracks
I arrived once again in Madre de Dios on the 23rd of November, 2020. This was the first time I would spend a significant amount of time in the rainforest
En estos últimos 10 años estuve viajando por diferentes afluentes de la Amazonía Peruana en Madre de Dios. En uno de estos viajes tuve la oportunidad de conocer el río
It was late 2014 and I was back in the Netherlands after a life-changing trip to Suriname. Being home was surprisingly challenging; I felt out of place back in a
Sprawled on the palm floor of her home, I listen intently as Marcelina recounts the local bees she knows. With the ease of describing old friends, Marcelina names mejayo ua,
Nací en Piura, una región al norte de Perú. A los 16 años junto con mis amigos tomé la decisión de salir de mi pueblo para dedicarme a trabajar. Trabajé
When I first arrived to the Amazon, I had trouble sleeping at night because of the wave of unrecognizable animal sounds that would rise out of the amplifying humidity and
The morning light is dimmed by the rainforest canopy as I scramble up the bank of the Sucusari River from our wooden boat. The rustling of my steps startles a collared
I have had a strange fascination with frogs since I was young, and for a long time, I asked myself why. Some years ago I decided to stop questioning myself
Kawsak Sacha1 o Selva Viviente, es un llamado universal a vivir en armonía. Plantea el reconocimiento jurídico de la reivindicación al derecho a decidir libremente sobre sus territorios y formas
The forest was pitch black, its darkness amplified by the night. All I could see was a dense rainforest lit by a flickering flashlight held in one hand by Foca,
ACEER Conservation Fellow and Amazon Aid, Artist for the Amazon Maisie McNeice is an Artist who has worked in Peru and Africa and has always had a fascination for the
No he encontrado manera de responder esta pregunta sin conectarla con lo que me ha movido durante los últimos años a dar cada paso de aprendizaje sobre la vida en
I used to climb between the buttress roots of an old tree in a park that my parents often took me to as a child. I imagined that I was
Collapsing to the floor and rattling the earth, an ancient, 50-meter tree now lays on its side below the intense tropical sun. The residual hole in the canopy instantly exposes