The Amazon is not a subplot. Neither are the midterm elections.
Did you know the Peruvian Amazon rainforest alone occupies a territory larger than that of Ukraine? I did not. That’s a fun fact I dug up from Amazon Watch when
Did you know the Peruvian Amazon rainforest alone occupies a territory larger than that of Ukraine? I did not. That’s a fun fact I dug up from Amazon Watch when
ACEER Conservation Fellow and Amazon Aid, Artist for the Amazon Maisie McNeice is an Artist who has worked in Peru and Africa and has always had a fascination for the
The climate crisis we are facing has created an urgent need for finding practical and useful ways to be environmentally conscious while still maintaining our lifestyle. Something as simple as
We are so excited to be working with House Cup Coffee Roasters to bring you Rainforest Coffee! ACEER’s Rainforest Coffee is 100%: Fair Trade Organic Peruvian Shade Grown & Certified
Jiordan T. Drior View fullsize Peruvian Amazon – Photo taken by Jon Cox Eco-systems all over the world play a vital part in keeping the earth healthy and vibrant, but