
Amazon birds come for a visit

Chivi Vireo (Vireo chivi), isolated, perched among foliage. endemic bird of south america

Tanagers, Yellow Warblers, Bobolinks, Chivi Vireo, and more are all different types of migratory birds from the Amazon. Tanagers come in a wide variety of colors such as red and orange or a more grayish-blue. The male Scarlet Tanagers are known as the most gorgeous birds seen in the north during the summer, but they … Read more

In the Garden of Deeden: Bugs — Are You My Friend or Foe? (Part 1: The Foes)

Well, the answer of insects in the garden as friend or foe is – both. There are millions of insect species throughout the world and scientists estimate that there are over 2.5 million insects in the Amazon Basin alone, many of which have not even been adequately described. Scientists working from ACEER supported canopy walkways … Read more

In the Garden of Deeden: Companion planting

Corn, beans, and squash growing together

The indigenous people of the America, North and South, knew well the benefits of what’s referred to as companion planting. This method involves growing plants that assist each other to grow, repel certain insects, and even repel other plants. Perhaps most famous are what is referred to as the “Three Sisters.” This involves growing corn, … Read more

In the Garden of Deeden: Seed starting

The seasonal loss of leaves by deciduous trees and their subsequent dormancy during the winter in northern latitudes is not a scenario that is typically played out in the lowland Amazon rainforest. Stable, warm temperatures and abundant rainfall lead to most trees in the rainforest being evergreens.  That doesn’t mean they don’t lose their leaves, … Read more

In the Garden of Deeden: Permaculture

Although we are now into January, it is not too soon to be thinking of the coming year’s growing season, and employing permaculture techniques just might be the way you can create your own backyard ecosystem regardless of how small a space you have for gardening. Permaculture is an agricultural strategy that seeks the integration … Read more

In the Garden of Deeden: Rain Harvesting with Rain Barrels

The Amazon rainforest is masterful at capturing and dispersing rainfall: bromeliads, pitcher shaped plants, drip tips. But what to do in a northern urban homestead? Water is a precious and limited resource.  In many places, people don’t think much about it. They turn on the tap, and potable water flows out. Increasingly, however, we’re hearing … Read more

In the Garden of Deeden: Breaking Ground

May 17th was the 16th anniversary of me moving into the home that my friends dubbed “Deeden.” My dear friend has been urging me to blog about my homesteading lifestyle for over a decade. He finally hooked me. Our friendship really began after we participated in an ACEER workshop –From the Andes to the Amazon. … Read more