
Stingless Bees

Stingless Bees in Hive in Peruvian Amazon Rainforest

“Ha! Careful, they’ll try and go up your nose!” I turn and see Jospeh See, an ACEER conservation fellow, covered in bees. As they’re latching onto his hair and covering his macro camera, I can see he is beaming, perfectly in his element.  We were in the midst of opening a tree trunk hive to … Read more

Living with Wildlife: from subsistence hunting to international wildlife trafficking

‘The smell hits you like a train. Burned hair, rotting flesh, and old meat that’s not smoked for flavor but for necessity. Anyone who is solely used to eating western food, would doubt to eat anything there.’ – is how Dr. Brian Griffiths, researcher of hunting traditions and game species in the Peruvian Amazon, describes … Read more