
Stingless Bees

Stingless Bees in Hive in Peruvian Amazon Rainforest

“Ha! Careful, they’ll try and go up your nose!” I turn and see Jospeh See, an ACEER conservation fellow, covered in bees. As they’re latching onto his hair and covering his macro camera, I can see he is beaming, perfectly in his element.  We were in the midst of opening a tree trunk hive to … Read more

Stingless bees: Sustaining land and people in the Amazon

Sprawled on the palm floor of her home, I listen intently as Marcelina recounts the local bees she knows. With the ease of describing old friends, Marcelina names mejayo ua, batigana ua, and many other native stingless bees in her Indigenous language, explaining their behavior, appearance, where she’s found them in the forest, and what … Read more

In the Garden of Deeden: Honey Bees Part 1

In 2008, I was in a waiting room and picked up a magazine. In it was an article about colony collapse disorder and its plight on the bee population. Given my love of gardening, it seemed natural that I would become a beekeeper. I met with a colleague’s husband who is a beekeeper, got some … Read more